Categories: Podcasts

Podcast Episode Three

Published on

May 30, 2023

What’s a Pressure Pumper to Do???

Host: James West, Podcast Series

A big thank-you to the fine folks from MGB Oilfield Solutions, CEO Mark Bishop and Head of Commercial / Strategy Barry Ekstrand for making this mini deep-dive on the U.S. hydraulic fracturing market possible. This is the third and final podcast installment of our collaborative look at one of the key markets in North America oil and gas that will be very crucial to helping the U.S. maintain its Energy needs in the years to come. Two weeks ago we unveiled Part 1 of our mini deep-dive with MGB Oilfield Solutions<> and there we focused on fuel costs. And last week in Part 2 we explored maintenance costs, an ever-growing slice of any operators well completion program and one that will grow in importance given the levels of underspend currently underway. Today for Part 3 we are exploring the ins and outs of “high pressure” iron used on the frac site as this is one of the key cost drivers to any oil and gas operator’s budget when it comes to pressure pumping.

We hope you enjoy this novel approach at better understanding the ins and outs of the hydraulic fracturing product line. In the past some competitors would produce hundreds of pages of drivel that would eventually become paper-weights when it came to exploring this same topic. Instead we provide a quick-hitting, conversational way of getting you up to speed by way of experienced management teams that are making it happen in the field. The challenges posed by heavy frac iron cannot be understated, as they cause a significant amount of non-productive time on a daily basis, and are adding a significant cost to the industry. In this episode, come understand the maintenance capex implications, full replacement spread costs, two main classes of failures when it comes to treating iron events, and the equipment’s useful lives. Thanks again to MGB Oilfield solutions and stay tuned for a webinar on this topic which is in the works.

– James

Podcast Agenda

0:10 – Welcome back to our 3rd and final edition of our mini deep-dive on U.S. frac with MGB Oilfield Solutions

0:15 – Thanks for joining us again, Mark Bishop and Barry Ekstrand from MGB Oilfield Solutions

0:40 – Who is MGB Oilfield Solutions?

0:55 – Why is high pressure iron so important and how should we think about it?

4:20 – How is the supply chain handled today?

8:00 – How are fluids typically managed on a frac site today from a high-pressure perspective?

9:00 – What impact to the operations do challenges with high pressure treating iron bring?

19:05 – What are dangers associated with High Pressure

22:40 – What support do users typically require when operating high pressure iron

24:30 – What has the industry done historically to address these issues

27:45 – What are some of the newer trends the industry is adopting

30:30 – What is MGB doing in this challenging space?

35:30 – How can MGB support customers at district and field level?

38:30 – Thank you for joining us, Mark and Barry!